Human-like vision for industrial robots.
See everything. Do anything.

Free eBook

Solving Pick and Place Automation Challenges with industrial 3D machine vision

This eBook will cover

  • Six industrial automation challenges and how to solve them with machine vision solutions
  • Real-world examples of bin-picking/piece picking applications using 3D vision 
  • Key considerations when choosing a machine vision camera


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"New 3D camera technology was happening, smaller
collaborative robots were happening, and it opened up whole
new opportunities for manufacturing process automation."


Peter Soetens

CEO of Pickit

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Explore the benefits of 3D machine vision technologies!

Well-known companies such as BMW, Amazon, and Ocado are deploying vision-guided robot solutions, and they are a lot less forgiving – demanding 100% pick rates rather than 80 to 90%.

We hope that this eBook helps you understand the fundamental challenges facing the automation industry and how you can solve them using state-of-the-art 3D machine vision technologies.