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Zivid.NET Namespace

Public classApplication
Manager class for Zivid cameras. Handles connection to cameras and configuration of the log system.
Public classCode exampleCamera
Interface to one Zivid camera
Public classCameraRevision
Camera revision
Public classCameraState
Information about camera connection state, live mode, temperatures, etc.
Public classCameraStateTemperatureGroup
Current temperature(s)
Public classCloudVisualizer
Simple point cloud visualizer for console applications. This visualization component creates a window with a CloudVisualizerControl in it.
Public classCloudVisualizerControl
Windows forms user control for Zivid point clouds
Public classCloudVisualizerForm
A Windows Form with a CloudVisualizerControl in it
Public classComputeDevice
Represents a Compute device to visualize or perform computations on.

In order to enable fast visualization of point clouds on the Compute device, a connection between the Compute device used by the visualizer and the Compute device used by ZividCamera internally needs to be connected.

Public classDeviceCloud
A device cloud stored on the Compute device
Public classDuration
Hi-resolution time span. Valid range is 1 nanosecond to 292 years.
Public classEnvironment
Zivid environment, configured through environment variables
Public classFrame
A frame captured by a Zivid camera
Public classFrameInfo
Various information for a frame
Public classFrameInfoSoftwareVersionGroup
The version information for installed software at the time of image capture
Public classFrameInfoSoftwareVersionGroupZividAPIGroup
Version information for the Zivid API library
Public classFrameInfoSoftwareVersionGroupZividCameraFileGroup
Version information for the ZividCameraFile driver
Public classFrameInfoSoftwareVersionGroupZividCameraToshibaTeliGroup
Version information for the ZividCameraToshibaTeli driver
Public classFrameInfoSoftwareVersionGroupZividStudioGroup
Version information for the ZividStudio applicaton
Public classHDR
High Dynamic Range 3D imaging functions
Public classPointCloud
A point cloud with x,y,z, contrast and color data laid out on a 2D grid
Public classRangeT
Class describing a range of values for a given type T
Public classSerialNumber
Serial number of a Zivid camera
Public classSettings
Settings for a Zivid camera
Public classSettingsFiltersGroup
Toggle on or off various filters
Public classSettingsFiltersGroupContrastGroup
Discard points with low contrast values
Public classSettingsFiltersGroupOutlierGroup
Outlier filter based on connected components
Public classSettingsFiltersGroupReflectionGroup
Detect and remove points likely to arise from reflections (useful for shiny materials)
Public classSettingsFiltersGroupSaturatedGroup
Discard pixels that are saturated in the image
Public classVersion
Version information
Public delegateCameraUpdateSettingsDelegate
Delegate function for updating settings
Public delegateFrameCallback
Callback for frames